
Ueda Shoji

Week 3- Managed to catch the retrospective of Ueda Shoji 植田正治逝世20年紀念回顧展 Ueda Shoji:Retrospective. I love his passion and determination, when he first took up photography darkroom, it was as though he built everything in his own little way. Didnt care much for the perfection, but sought to find the soul in his art. The deepest emotion I felt were his series right after the war in 1945. His family and the undying support and encouragement from his wife. After her passing, all I could see was his loneliness in his pictures.

LS project, Taipei– Week 3 meet

Week 3— 3rd production meeting before i left. Presented the landscape concepts I made over the three weeks. Yu-Ching's story board is so cute!

Week 3— Visit Gelatin Silver lab to send in timer for repair (thanks dubbing photo). Met up with Tsen, Master of darkroom printing. Workshops and darkroom services. If all else fails, I'll intern here...


LS project, Taipei– Lightbox

Week 3— Headed back to Lightbox攝影圖書室 to make day portraits of the great team behind this community library, purely dedicated to the art of photography in publication and through talks, presentation and workshops. Thank you to the assistance of Luc / Dubbing photos. Its a space Free to all, with photography books donated and acquired through patronage from the public. Liang-Pin's passion and the team's dedication towards this is unparalleled, my awe to the amazing effort.


LS project, Taipei– Week 3 Bamboo

Week 3— Squeezed in a visit to the great people at 竹圍工作室 Bamboo Curtain Studio, thanks Fiona for showing me around. First and oldest residency program in Taiwan! imagine that!

Week 2-3— Some thrift antique stores (thanks shih-tung), but my favourite was this antique space that took such care and passion in cleaning, documenting and archiving their old books and artefacts. I found these old prints there. Forgot the name of the store, but i told and brought all my friends there!


LS project, Taipei– Week 2-3 Noise

Week 2-3— Recently I've been very much intrigued by the sound movement 'noise', I find it interesting in its approach, its 'anti-structure' to the concept of music, much like anarchy of music. I've managed to do some test portraits during their festival 萬車券之夜 Vol.1.5. in the chaos of the space, the packing and layout of the machines. beautiful and warm people under all the noise. Thanks everyone!

LS project, Taipei– Week 2-3 on site BSK

Week 2-3— Tried again at 崩山坑古道-泰平到柑腳 Beng Shan Keng Ancient Trail, but the weather again was rain and cold. Still managed to shoot some, everything got wet and time was limited, I'll need to camp here. Thanks for the company, team wutai, driver, bff and director fern-lookout.


LS project, Taipei– Week 2-3 on site onfoto

Week 2-3— Site shoot at Hermei city trail, end of the line from Xindian. About 40 mins commute one-way, walking and some easy hiking. Thanks for the company and documenting pictures. Came here twice, but still havent had enough time to fully explore the area, paved walkways, with stairs and railings, a great parkway

Week 2-3— Visited ONFOTO STUDIO a special space dedicated purely to the art of photography and prints. Beautiful space, and works, one-of-the-kind prints, workshops, exhibition space. Was looking for a backup space for darkroom facilities, thanks Lucky Lu for your time, it was great to see photography having a different and vibrant life in the arts. Taiwan needs you :) (thanks luc, dubbing photo)