

After project completion, been trying hard to put together prints for an exhibition. There are planning and budgeting trying to pull off a showcase of the portraits taken. Its proving hard with my limited time and self-funding, but it will come. I'm also trying to expand artistically not only the functionality of the kamra, but my approach to this medium with some explorations. 

pic* arrival of optical filters for some exploration work. also new shelf to house the kamras 3rd Nov; another parcel arrives, this time a flash light meter, sekonic L308DC. time to purchase my own, returned loaned light meter to Vig, thanks a million. studio 25's first ever digital light meter! although no time at the moment to open to test until sometime in December. Till then :)

new flashlight meter– (RM 670)
tricolour separators (RM 250+)
my new shelf rack to store kamras

camera workstation