DIA 20 DE AGOSTO, a galera que clica com essas câmeras no mundo vai "se reunir" para uma ação de retrato na rua, um Lambe Day internacional. An international day to take out to the streets all the kamra-e-faroees, minuteras, kantas, lambe-lambes and any other kind of instant box cameras you may find.
20 August 2016 is the inaugural Instant Box Camera Day, the idea originating from Brasil, the word was spread around the world to other practitioners. Gatherings were set, cameras were prep and self-portraits were taken.
Here are some of the pictures of the celebration. The art is so diverse and alive. Long Live the Box Camera Practitioners.
Malaysia; Huda, Jeff, Koon Yik
Brasil, Bárbara Nunes
Brasil lambe |
Brasil, Cássia Xavier |
USA, fixed position photography |
Italy, Giorgio Cadeddu Sardinia
Brasil, Juazeiro do Norte
UK, Leicester
Leicester Lo-Fi Photography
Brasil, Mauricio Sapata Sao Paulo
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Michi Rodriguez
Japan, (Jeff) Mitsu Maeda
Brasil, Tonho Ceará