If you're in Taipei in April, do come and catch the concert #luminousshadow浮光流影 performance between musician, writer and photographer
#浮光流影 #ntch #tifa2020 #cendana Cultural Economy Development Agency #2020TIFA #王佩瑤 #吳明益 #單車失竊記 #魏靖儀 #高炳坤
國家兩廳院 NTCH, Taipei
★ 特別企劃:給王佩瑤「浮光流影」音樂會觀眾的一封情書
音樂會開始時攝影藝術家林猷進Jeffrey Lim會啟動箱式、風箱式、阿富汗等不同種類的相機,紀錄音樂會的片段。所拍的影像為當天與觀眾的共同記憶,看似相同的照片,卻是在場每個人各自擁有的獨特體驗。
⧐ 2020/4/10-4/11
⧐ 國家兩廳院演奏廳
#2020TIFA #王佩瑤 #吳明益 #單車失竊記 #魏靖儀 #高炳坤
Endau River within Semelai tribe traditional land, Endau Rompin State Park, Johor, Malaysia. June 2015. |
Straits of Malacca for the western lookout point off Carey Island of the Mah Meri tribe, Selangor, Malaysia. May 2019. |
Temiar tribe family household, Leyef Village, Upper Perak, Malaysia. April 2019. |
Children playing at the guard house entering the palm oil plantation, Jemeri Village, Rompin, Pahang, Malaysia. August 2018. |
Jakun tribe family household, Jemeri Village, Rompin, Pahang, Malaysia. August 2018. |
Overlooking Cunex Village from a vantage point on recently cleared land by slash-burning for planting rubber saplings, Gerik, Upper Perak, Malaysia. April 2019. |
Spiritual shrine set up by outsiders along a trunk road of Temuan tribe’s traditional land. Red is a colour that is taboo among most indigenous tribes. Gombak Bt16, Selangor, Malaysia. May 2019. |