
Feature artist– NTCH TIFA 2020

I mainly only make portraits, so here are the few very rare landscapes from Malaysia. I've spent the last three week in Taiwan to make some landscapes. Hopefully to be published soon too.

If you're in Taipei in April, do come and catch the concert #luminousshadow浮光流影 performance between musician, writer and photographer

#浮光流影 #ntch #tifa2020 #cendana Cultural Economy Development Agency #2020TIFA #王佩瑤 #吳明益 #單車失竊記 #魏靖儀 #高炳坤

國家兩廳院 NTCH, Taipei
★ 點圖欣賞攝影藝術家Jeffrey線上微型攝影展
★ 特別企劃:給王佩瑤「浮光流影」音樂會觀眾的一封情書
音樂會開始時攝影藝術家林猷進Jeffrey Lim會啟動箱式、風箱式、阿富汗等不同種類的相機,紀錄音樂會的片段。所拍的影像為當天與觀眾的共同記憶,看似相同的照片,卻是在場每個人各自擁有的獨特體驗。


⧐ 2020/4/10-4/11
⧐ 國家兩廳院演奏廳
#2020TIFA #王佩瑤 #吳明益 #單車失竊記 #魏靖儀 #高炳坤

Endau River within Semelai tribe traditional land,
Endau Rompin State Park, Johor, Malaysia. June 2015. 
Kuala Keramat, sacred place for the Jakun tribe of
Jemeri village along the river. Clearing the land,
burning off the cuttings for ceremonial rituals and
offerings to the spirits, Jemeri Village,
Rompin, Pahang, Malaysia August 2018. 
Straits of Malacca for the western lookout
point off Carey Island of the
Mah Meri tribe, Selangor, Malaysia. May 2019.
Temiar tribe family household, Leyef Village,
Upper Perak, Malaysia. April 2019.
 Children playing at the guard house entering
the palm oil plantation, Jemeri Village,
Rompin, Pahang, Malaysia. August 2018.
 Jakun tribe family household, Jemeri Village,
Rompin, Pahang, Malaysia. August 2018.
 Overlooking Cunex Village from a vantage point
on recently cleared land by slash-burning for
planting rubber saplings, Gerik,
Upper Perak, Malaysia. April 2019.
Spiritual shrine set up by outsiders along a trunk road
of Temuan tribe’s traditional land. Red is a colour 
that is taboo among most indigenous tribes. 
Gombak Bt16, Selangor, Malaysia. May 2019.