在2018年《邊境旅行》展覽中,馬來西亞藝術家林猶進(Jeffrey)背著一個Kanta計劃鐵桶,走入鄉間與部落拍攝不同背景與文化的原住民肖像。透過一邊交談一邊對焦、打光、拍攝、沖洗並顯影,他也持續在各式容顏中探索認同概念的方法,持續詢問我們從何而來、往何處去、我們的文化與認同又是如何形構?他與正在構思離鄉原住民紀錄片的Posak Jodian合作。紀錄片〈渡河〉從Posak兒時記憶中阿美族依水而居的記憶,以及她離鄉背井來到台北工作的弟弟展開,溯至許多原住民年輕人甚至上一代的離鄉經驗,以及在城市中的生存故事。近一步將馬太鞍溪與新店溪以流動的意象串連在一起,透過兩地耆老與青年的訪談與口述故事描繪出一個在遷徙遊牧與渡河歸鄉之間的可塑性空間與生活的樣貌。
In 2018’s PETAMU project, Malaysian artist Jeffrey J C Lim always carry a large iron Kanta, a clever package of silver printing photography with waste materials, and capture indigenous peoples’ portraits from different backgrounds and cultures by walking into remote communities and tribes. He talks with the subjects while magically focusing, lighting, shooting, processing and developing as a method for him to continuously explore the identity concept among all kinds of faces, asking: where do we come from? where we go? and how is our culture and identity shaped? He worked with Posak Jodian, who had made a video on indigenous people who leave their hometown. “Lakec” is inspired from the memory of Posak’s childhood memories of the Amis (correction Pangcah) people who lived by the water, and her younger brother who came to work in Taipei. It traced the experiences of young indigenous people and even the previous generations who left home and tried to survive in the cities — further connecting Satefo (Fata’an river) and the XiaoBitan by Xindian River. Through interviews and oral storytelling, it depicts a picture of the becoming of space and life from migratory nomadism to the river journey that leads home.
As for the cooperation, the journeys of Jeffrey and Posak intertwined rom downtowns to a remote island, also from Fata’an tribe to the urban indigenous community along the Xindian River. The unfamiliar languages and the impressions of hometowns are recollected via the convergence of people and objects. Together they treaded through the rivers and the fields, hoping to summon the question on identity and culture. (Photo: Chia-jen Chen)
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