
Taiwan Week 2– Wutai

On the eagle’s nest lookout point. ancestral hunting grounds of the Rukai tribe, Wutai mountain range / Sit here, beside the tree, on the cliff, of eagle’s nest / Making a portrait out in the field / Eagle comes close to check us out / Majestic mountain range, southern Taiwan, Pingtung, Wutai / He said it was an easy trail, just a walk. when we arrived, he said if you fall on either side, it is bye bye / Setting up a trap, it’s a modern trap, but the reading of the trails are still important. we caught a monkey... / Just before the Ali pass, we are going off the beaten track, onto ancestral hunting grounds / Ride along the mountain pass / Return to Wutai / Evening tea with Peresang, on the ending of the project / Presenting the portraits and the project from Taiwan / Three artists, one designer, making some artwork / Natural lightbox / Wutai village is filled with figurative representation of man, their culture and heritage. I’m glad to leave my mark, as a trained graphic designer on the walls too. My mark unfortunately much more generic, the international ASA standard for man and woman... toilet sign (directional signage) / Making portrait for the hunter and his wife, in their family’s home / Finding our picnic ground, on a dried up creek, it’s the dry season here / I have a porter / Looking for a shot / The project sign has an interesting meaning in Taiwan / Ah Chung in 一隻鳥仔哮啾啾 Such is Life (1997) directed by Chang Chi-Yung / Such a sad film from Taiwan, iconic patch. Such a coincidence I’m watching this film now / The healing patch that works magic! Such as your Kamra! / Looking for the shot / Framing the shot / First landscape attempt / My most favourite truck! / Grandpa, inspecting his fields / Stories of old village grounds, hunting, monoliths, cultural traditions & oral history / One family, one village, inter-generational link / Watching ‘Mission Impossible 3’ by Grandpa who himself does mission impossible (hunting legend, proof above the television) / Stop over at Linali, a government resettlement program, three tribes, rows of uniform, fabricated houses, small allotment of garden beds