
Reflections– Posak Jodian

Palm Trees, Helicopters, the Boulder, and the Storyteller 棕櫚樹、直升機、大石頭,和說故事的人 http://www.heath.tw/nml-article/palm-trees-helicopters-the-boulder-and-the-storyteller/

數位荒原駐站暨群島資料庫 NML Residency & Nusantara Archive 28 July 2019
「我為他說了馬太鞍部落的起源故事;首先來了大洪水,兩姐弟坐上小船逃難,經歷數次遷徒,才來到現在馬太鞍的老部落。我告訴他這是我們的起源,我們沒有比這個更早的故事了。Atok Long笑著對我說:『我聽完你的故事,現在我要告訴你全部的故事,在你的故事發生以前的故事。然後你的故事就會變完整!』於是我們花一個下午待在他的房子裡,他緩慢地告訴我,他們的世界怎樣被創造出來,身旁的青年不時加入討論或翻譯。他的故事結尾,正好接在我的故事開頭。」(Posak Jodian)

數位荒原駐站暨群島資料庫 NML Residency & Nusantara Archive 合作研究員 Posak Jodian 年初與馬來西亞藝術家 Jeffrey J C Lim 進入半島四處部落進行紀錄片拍攝交流,並完成隨紀錄片書寫的文章〈棕櫚樹、直升機、大石頭,和說故事的人〉。作為導演,她發現,受到殖民及強勢語族入侵的影響,過去沒有文字而僅以口述記錄歷史的原住民,總是感受到「寫下來」的急迫性。無論是說故事,地理或邊界的認定,口述傳統本身包含關於對象的討論空間,以及隨不同口述時空而增減的創造性。但當這樣的文化特性遇到如今要求書寫的準確和對文本的執迷時,又要如何折衝呢?*Special thanks to Colin Nicholas & Center for Orang Asli Concern, Koong Hui Yein, Jeffrey Lim , 半路咖啡.


Interview– IN THE FIELD– studio darkroom

As part of a documentary series for Care 9 / Walkabout Asia with the Mah Meri. An indepth interview into the art exchange, fieldwork and research of the project. Here the production team visited the studio and filmed the darkroom processes.



Gerai OA 5 July 2019–  Many thanks to Donors who donated 5 sets of Enercal supplement milk to Semelai masterweaver Kampit Ayo (70s) of Kg Gau, Pos Iskandar in Pahang! After a regrettable delay of several months due to lack of Car Volunteers, we finally passed the remaining 3 sets to her on 21/6, while the first two sets were passed to her earlier this year via her son in Sg Buluh on 17/1. All these were from the Appeal we posted in December 2018. Kampit is still very underweight after her battle with cancer and appreciates this expensive donation. She will share some of it with her daughter who is also recovering from surgery.

We also passed her a small solar light donated by Kanta Portraits, to replace her kerosene lamp used as a night light. And RM100 for future follow-up visits to Hospital Seremban and IKN in Putrajaya, via Dr. Harry's Hospitalisation Fund. Thanks everyone!