

Gerai OA 5 July 2019–  Many thanks to Donors who donated 5 sets of Enercal supplement milk to Semelai masterweaver Kampit Ayo (70s) of Kg Gau, Pos Iskandar in Pahang! After a regrettable delay of several months due to lack of Car Volunteers, we finally passed the remaining 3 sets to her on 21/6, while the first two sets were passed to her earlier this year via her son in Sg Buluh on 17/1. All these were from the Appeal we posted in December 2018. Kampit is still very underweight after her battle with cancer and appreciates this expensive donation. She will share some of it with her daughter who is also recovering from surgery.

We also passed her a small solar light donated by Kanta Portraits, to replace her kerosene lamp used as a night light. And RM100 for future follow-up visits to Hospital Seremban and IKN in Putrajaya, via Dr. Harry's Hospitalisation Fund. Thanks everyone!