
Rebuild #4Woodie

#4woodie Kamra, is getting upgrades, rushing to get this ready for some trials before #KantaJapan. This is the only box camera I've built from scratch. Planning to convert this Kamra into a real Brazilian #LambeLambe, at a larger format too. Lick lick camera! Although it has the single top rail only (monorail system) something developed in two of cameras built for Kanta. Hopefully it'll be a very efficient booth camera, versatile for different sizes too, from small 2.5x3.25" to any size or orientation within 6.5x8.5". Marriage between Kanta, Kamra & Lambe and more. (Hako Kamera Japan). Will probably rename it too. #KantaPortraits #KantaBoxKamra #afghanboxcamera #LambeLambe

starts with imagination & sketches
interior of #4woodie
frame holder

manufactured trays

manufactured trays

manufactured trays

manufactured trays

perfect fit!