Day 3 into the mountains, visiting the country town of Kizenzan. @acosoma あこ hosted us #KantaPortraits #BoxKameraLab for the entire day. Run by @masa.seto who has moved to the countryside, a co-working space, [6] his team and learning centre, together with several professionals and education consultants, they are part of a wave of urbanites looking for quality of life and a relook at education, reviving small schools, [1] education town administrators and officials. [2] Our days as always starts early, driving out throughout the Kochi districts sometimes two hours one way. [3] Mitsu with her 箱カメラ Hako Kamera @boxkameralabo. [4 & 5] Our prints for the day. Dropping off print to [8] Fujishima and his real cool cafe Missy Sippy [7]. [10] Beautiful life and family, inquisitive baby [9] following me everywhere. Kochi is like home already @ Kōchi Prefecture #KantaJapan #KochiArtFestival #KochiArtFestival2018 #KochiArtProjects