KANTA portraits #workinprogress exhibition at Studio94 Taipei, featuring my first finished work #DindingPotret, with maps & studies, selected prints from my previous Born In Malaysia #PortraitsofKualaLumpur exhibition, a collection of prints, and first two prototype cameras built (#1interchange & #2foldie. With a setup of a mobile photobooth #8intrepid #mobiledarkbox. I'm quite excited and humbled by the opportunity, it's a small exhibition, but it's becoming a beautiful party :)
PS/ Friends in Taipei, do come. I've marked the dates I will be around (clicked going), the rest of time I will be in the field down south.
Studio 94展覽登場 5.19-6.17
「鏡頭下的容顏記」 by Jeffrey Lim
在馬來西亞剛剛結束劃時代的大選之際,我們將展出Jeffrey Lim所拍攝的馬來西亞肖像。這些土地上的容顏有些是大城裡的異鄉人,有些是叢林中的原住民,每一張臉都是他用餅乾桶與舊鏡頭自製的相機所拍攝下來的。這持續進行的系列初初只是為了回答他心中那個迴盪不去的問題「我是誰?」,但在追尋自我認同的過程中,問題逐漸擴大為我的家庭、我的社區、我的國家...於是,為了解答心中的疑惑,他翻山越嶺,試著在千山萬水所遇的容顏中找尋答案。究竟人是什麼?我們從何而來?我們要往何處走去?如果抽掉了家庭背景、國籍、性別、文化、宗教,甚至性向,那我們是誰?我們會知道我們是誰嗎?我們還能知道我們是誰嗎?
展出時間:11am-5pm / 週三到週日/5.19-6.17
展出地點:studio 94一樓
唯一座談:2-4pm / 5.19 (全程英文,並將解構與示範他所自製的照相機。)
event promo |
exhibition space |
Maps & studies |
academic research |
detail of piece |
prints & captions |